Saturday, 16 June 2012

Gym squids.

Gym squids are everywhere, you all know the type. Marching into a recreational gym wearing a vest and grunting when they lift a fucking 10kg dumbell, walking around machines as if they run the place. Well, this goes for the lads, the girl equivelent that go to the gym do nothing but attempt to run on a treadmill in a pair of plastic toe-capped Converse whilst trying to stop their fucking mascara from dribbling down their face, so I'll pick on the lads in this one.

The gym brings in some creatures, by creatures I mean squids and by squids I mean gobshites. Most recreational gyms have a maximum dumbell weight of around 20kg so there is no need what-so-ever for a vest to be prestent, tee-shirts do NOT limit any weight lifting capabilty and vests do NOT contain weight-lifting super powers. I don't want to see your skinny pale arms and neither do any of the birds. Personally I'd say it was just about acceptable for Arnold Schwarzenegger himself to wear a vest, never mind these victims. In all seriousness though, at what point do these idiots think it's acceptable to walk out of the house wearing this? Do they live alone? Own no mirrors at all? Or have the type of friends that would accompany you on the Jeremy kyle show? Not only do they bounce around looking like a gimp, they also feel the need... feel the fucking need to strap their iPhone to their arm like it's some sort or Rambo type weapon. Hang on a minute mate, do your shorts not have fucking pockets? You don't go to your job or sit around the house with it on your arm whilst watching fucking tele, so why here, in the gym? In my opinion it just makes it a lot harder to select a decent song, not that these people have any decent fucking songs. Little Wigan Pier heads.

Do us all a favour, lash a fucking tee-shirt and not TapOut one either, you've never done MMA in your life. Then go and do some fucking burpees in your back garden away from society. You fucking squid.

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